Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Cultural phenomenon du jour:

friend (noun) --> friending (verb)

Ok, so for yesterday's glorious realization that doesn't seem so glorious anymore. First of all, I am pretty really good at being single. It's kind of a skill of mine, being a bitter (but hopeful) Bridget Jones type. But that's not what I wrote yesterday. This is:

Probably induced by sunshine, decent sleep, and endorphins...My life is so much freer and on track without a stupid boy holding me back. The old, familiar feeling is actually a good one. Fate/universe/whatever is giving me tons of signals that it's in control and I'm on the right track (or close enough). Now is the time for seizing opportunity, getting my education on track, finding internships, and going on adventures with friends. I want to capture this tingling excitment and keep my satisfaction of self.

End quote.

Last line highly relevant!

I've managed pretty well to sustain it for most of 30ish hours. But that hopefulness is kind of back to its overbearing state, where everyone I see is potential. I have, however, noticed that this school is a lot more attractive than I ever noticed before. But my little daydream plan is to find a lovely Austin boy for maximum relationship goodness- not too close, not too far. At the same time, I'm attempting to just not even think about it at all, because you always meet people when you aren't looking. Except it's a bad habit. But at least I am excited that it could be anyone, anywhere, any time.

Went to Cookies and Pis tonight, a sorority cookie decoration for charity extravaganza. I've been attempting to keep an open mind about the whole sorority thing and was formerly very opposed...but I think I'm actually...don't freak out...going to rush. I'm not even going to justify that decision, because I don't think I should have to, no matter how much it surprises people and makes them call me a sell out. I want to do it because I do. It's different here at SU anyway, not the stereotype.

I don't recommend flu shots. They give you the flu. But hopefully it will help me avert disaster. I get the flu a lot, really bad.

New major idea: I think I might actually go with the create my own major idea. Why go to a small, weird, expensive school and not take advantage of its quirky offerings? Since I don't want any of them in particular, I can just take the classes I want to take. What's more, I could actually make my Capstone a documentary if I want to! How ridiculously cool would that be?? So the combo would be sociology/poli sci/film studies from English dept/enviro studies/econ/communications (for the one journalism class). That way I'd build a portfolio and still get the broad knowledge base. I figure that I need a good understanding of the world first and the technical knowledge can come later.

Note to self: destigmatizing enviro-- "crunchy"; bike excursion

"Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love."
-Lao Tzu (as quoted by my free SU wahoo freshman need mental help planner)

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