Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Still feel terrible. I actually got so down at one point that I started crying to the dramatic music in Hobby Lobby. There's nothing like a bottle of modge podge and some Muzak to bring out one's emotions...The universe does have a way, though, of reminding me that life can't be approached as intensely as I do all the time.

So there I was in Hobby Lobby, super bummed. Cue Universe. First, my grandpa called me and asked me to go to lunch with him. Then a lady told me to get in front of her in line since I had less items. Then the white van that I felt creepy parking next to turned out to be driven by two very nice ladies. (That last one just sounds dumb, but it was a reminder to me not to judge things.) Whenever things get really overwhelming, the universe always reminds me that it's there. Things happen for a reason. That's a foundation of my spirituality, and I need to remember that.

I also have a half naked statue in my trunk. See? Life is funny.

1 comment:

pinkgurugal said...

crappy is a normal feeling this time of year. i find riding my bike helps, even if it's on the trainer because i am a wimp in the cold! :)